This weekend at Peak's Quay in Charlottetown a young man was slipped a date rape drug. He claims it was an older gay gentleman who kept "hitting on him" that put it in his drink. Luckily he knew what to do and got away safely.
This happens more than you'd imagine, so it does pay to be prepared.
Here are some tips to help prevent being date raped.
* Avoid parties or groups where alcohol or drug use is excessive. Studies of date rape show that 75% of the date-rapists, and 55% of the victims, had been drinking or taking drugs before the rape occured.
* Avoid people who make you feel uncomfortable.
* If you're going to a party, establish a buddy system with a friend; watch out for each other.
* When you're leaving, don't announce that you're walking alone. Try to walk home with a friend or in groups.
* Don't give a whole bunch of information about yourself to a person you just met.
* People can't read you mind: if someone's doing something to you that you're not comfortable with, say "no."
* Always have some taxi money in your pockets in case you want to go home.
* Never walk home through deserted areas like parkland or railroad tracks.
* Do not hitchhike.
For more information click here.
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